(Click enlarge button if text is difficult to read ^)
Carrying on from the presentation above, we also received some feedback after the products were completed. We tried using different media technologies to gain our feedback.
Firstly, I chose a few people from the sixth form to interview and film. The interview format allowed me to ask people specific questions to see how they would respond. The following are the questions which I asked them;
- What did you enjoy about our Media products?
- Regarding the music video, do you think the music matched the visuals well?
- Do you think that our products promote the artist, Fenech Soler, well?
- Do you think our main actor, Taylor, played the part well?
- Looking at all three products, the video, the digipak and the advert...do you think they combine together well?
- What could we do to improve our products?
However, it wasn't all positives. There were comments remarked about some of our camera-work being a bit shaky so that is something we can learn from. Perhaps we should make more use of the camera-stand in future. Other negatives weres that we should have used brighter colours in our video to match the two ancillary tasks more, a lot of the shots are dark so next time we can use a more variety of shots in terms of lighting. With the digipak some said that there could be more on the front cover because it looks a bit plain. One even said that we maybe should have used a picture on the front cover instead, but he did say that our design goes with our other products well. Lastly, one person said that some of Taylor's acting was unconvincing. The person said that he appeared to be laughing in some scenes, this isn't professional because our song and products have a serious meaning behind them. Next time we could keep retaking the shots which were unconvincing until the acting looked professional and natural.
Interview process |
I also constructed a short survey using Survey Monkey and posted it on social networking sites with a link to our work posted with it. By doing this I would hopefully get a wide range of responses from a variety of people. Here is a screen shot of the survey I made...
Feedback Survey |
The survey responses were brilliant and really complimentary of our work. Every respondent either chose 'strongly agree' or 'agree' for the first five questions which was extremely positive feedback, these responses teach us that we ticked all the boxes required. The survey results also showed us that the most popular products were both the music video and the magazine advert with an equal amount of votes each. The digipak didn't get a single vote and so from this we learnt that we should spend more time on our digipak design if we were to do it again because each product is as important as one another. The last question on the survey allowed the resondents to leave a comment for their answer for points for improvement. We learnt the most from this question. One answer mentioned that we should add more detail to the front cover of our digipak and another said that we could have used a picture for it instead of purely text. We also learnt that we could put more information about the artist in our advert as this was another criticism we've received from the survey. There was also an opinion expressed about the music video saying that although he/she enjoyed our video he/she would have preferred a performance based video even more, this is something else for us to consider. Lastly, there was a comment about our filming not being very professional.
As you can you see from this blog post we have collected a range of feedback through our promotional media package construction process, and there was a few points for improvement which kept reoccuring through our results. Firstly, there was numerous mentions about our camera-work. To correct this in the future we should spend time practising our filming before jumping into the task unexperienced. There was also a lot of criticism about our lack of detail on our digipak. From this we've learnt that we should spend an equal amount of time working on each product because they should all be as consistently good as one another. If we was to do it again we would consider using a picture on our front cover because this is what many people have suggested. Then lastly we received a lot of negative feedback on how dark our video is, although we purposely planned to use low key lighting to suit the mood of the song we would certainly consider using a more brighter shots. Brighter shots are more aesthetically pleasing to the viewer and they would also help our video combine better with our two ancillary tasks. However, overall our feedback was very positive and complimentary. The audience were particularly impressed with how well the three products combined together with the same colour scheme and fonts.
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